[109]奥巴马谈能源:100小时口译训练日志0x0D — ScalersTalk成长会 – 持续行动,刻意学习 – ScalersTalk Wonderland


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重大提升:从今天开始,我的文章将在微信公众号与我的网站 ScalersTalk.com 同时首发,点击左下角原文链接,可以在电脑前阅读。(S君真能给自己找事啊……)





Hi, everybody. Earlier this week, I spent some time with the hardworking men and women of the American auto industry, who are busy writing a new chapter in America’s story.

Just a few years ago, their industry was shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs. Two of the Big Three – GM and Chrysler – were on the brink of failure. If we had let this great American industry collapse – if we had let Detroit go bankrupt – more than one million Americans would have lost their jobs in the middle of the worst recession since the Great Depression.

//中文里一般说人民,英语里说men and women,有时候加上and children

auto industry,这里读的很弱,如果你以前不知道这个词,或者不是积极词汇,很可能你就完全听不出来

writing a new chapter。让我们携手共进,共同开创历史的新篇章。

the Big Three美国三大汽车巨头,这里只提到两个,下文有第三个

on the brink of failure……在……边缘


来看一下表达经济不景气的词recessionDepressionstagnant, sluggish, downturn

shedding hundreds of thousands of jobs shed, get rid of



I refused to let that happen. These jobs are worth more than just a paycheck – they’re a source of pride and a ticket to the middle class. These companies are worth more than just the cars they build – they’re a symbol of American innovation and a source of our manufacturing might.

So in exchange for help, we demanded responsibility. We got the companies toretool and restructure. Everyone sacrificed. And three years later, the American auto industry is back.


retool 重组, 这个词在汉英的时候能用上

So in exchange for help, we demanded responsibility.




Today, GM is the number one automaker in the world. Chrysler is growing faster in America than any other car company. Ford is investing billions in American plants and factories, and plans to bring thousands of jobs back home. All told, the entire industry has added more than 200,000 new jobs over the past two and a half years.

And they’re not just building cars again – they’re building better cars. Thanks to new fuel efficiency standards we put in place, they’re building cars that will average nearly 55 miles per gallon by the middle of the next decade. That’s almost double what they get today. That means folks will be able to fill up every two weeks instead of every week, saving the typical family more than $8,000 at the pump over time. That’s a big deal, especially as families are yet again feeling the pinch from rising gas prices.


All told用于列举例子结束后的衔接。另外看一个奥巴马在西点军校演讲中的一句,All told, by the time I took office the cost of the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan approached a trillion dollars.在我就任总统之际,我们都被告知,伊拉克和阿富汗战争的开销接近一万亿美元。

automaker, car company

feeling the pinch 感到经济拮据,有财务压力。PinchiOS在交互的时候也有一个pinch的动作

new fuel efficiency standards

at the pump



So what’s happening in Detroit will make a difference. But it won’t solve everything. There’s no silver bullet for avoiding spikes in gas prices every year. There’s no shortcut to taking control of our energy future. We have to pursue an all-of-the-above strategy that helps develop every source of American energy. And we have to do it now.

The good news is, we’ve been making progress. Take a look at this chart. Six years ago, 60% of the oil we used was imported. Since I took office, America’s dependence on foreign oil has decreased every single year. In fact, in 2010, for the first time in thirteen years, less than half the petroleum we consumed was imported. Part of that is because we’re producing more oil here at home than at any time in the last eight years.

// silver bullet,有效的良方。在欧洲民间传说及19世纪以来哥特小说风潮的影响下,银色子弹往往被描绘成具有驱魔功效的武器,是针对狼人等超自然怪物的特效武器。后来也被比喻为具有极端有效性的解决方法,作为杀手锏、最强杀招、王牌等的代称。


all-of-the-above strategy 全方位战略,注意有连词符号



But we can’t just drill our way out of this problem. While we consume 20 percent of the world’s oil, we only have 2 percent of the world’s oil reserves. We’ve got to develop new technology that will help us use new forms of energy. That’s been a priority of mine as President. And because of the investments we’ve made, our use of clean, renewable energy has nearly doubled – and thousands of Americans have jobs because of it.

// drill our way out of this problemxx one’s way xxx是一个很有意思的用法。比如work one’s way through school,勤工俭学。这是我初中时看大家说英语时学的,哈哈


Now we need to keep at it. And to do that, we need to make the right choices.

Here’s one we can make right now. Every year, $4 billion of your tax dollars go to subsidizing the oil industry. These are the same companies making record profits – tens of billions of dollars a year. I don’t think oil companies need more corporate welfare. Congress should end this taxpayer giveaway. If you agree with me, I’m asking you to e-mail, call, or Tweet your representative. Tell them to stop fighting for oil companies. Tell them to start fighting for working families. Tell them to fight for the clean energy future that’s within our reach. Because the sooner we all get started, the sooner we’ll get there together. Thanks and have a great weekend.

// keep at it.这个中文要是翻译回来你会怎么说呢?Keep up the good work? Keep the momentum? 汉英的版本一般会比较重,我们需要获取像英文原文那样的灵巧。

taxpayer giveaway.

If you agree with me, I’m asking you to e-mail, call, or Tweet your representative.总统的态度非常好啊。都不需要“奥巴马指出”、“奥巴马强调”……




 新华网华盛顿1219日电(记者胡芳 刘洪)美国总统布什19日宣布,美国政府将提供紧急贷款以救援陷入困境的美国汽车业。





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