最近经常又被问到,你这么玩口译,是打算转行么。有时候很多问题会让我膝盖中箭的感觉呢,不过朋友们也都是关心我,我会把这些问题当成是朋友们试图合理化我的行为的思考过程。如果我回答是了,是不是我这么不停折腾的动机马上就很有明显解释了:“啊,这厮这么折腾,是要把这个作为职业,那肯定得多花些工夫。嗯,原来如此,没事了……”其实啊,S君搞这个也就是喜欢玩,这也是本着no zuo no die的精神,每天抽出2小时业余时间来练习。
年轻的时候就应该多一些no zuo no die的事情,以后你的回忆中,闪亮的点不会是那些你连续熬夜刷过的美剧,而是那些不停zuo die的日子。
霍乱(cholera)、流感(influenza)、艾滋病(HIV and AIDS)、天花(smallpox)、麻疹(measles)、结核(tuberculosis)、疟疾(malaria)炭疽(anthrax)、鼠疫(plague/bonic plague)、非典(SARS)、禽流感(bird flu/avian flu)、猪流感(swine flu)再加一个polio(小儿麻痹症)
WTO Ministerial Meeting部长级会议
It became the 4th largest economy in the world in and the 2nd in terms of purchasing power parity按购买力平价计算排在世界第二位。parity有奇偶校验位的含义
购买力平价(英文:Purchasing Power Parity,PPP)在经济学上,是一种根据各国不同的价格水平计算出来的货币之间的等值系数,以便能够对各国的国内生产总值进行合理比较,这种理论汇率与实际汇率可能有很大的差距。
internal consumption…听成了in channel……知识越多越反动啊
Its growth has been responsible for around a third of the world growth since the year 2000.
2000年以来其(经济)增长占世界总增长的三分之一//提一个数字的表示方法,xxx达到/为xxx,同比增长xxx: xxx reached/was, xxx increase/decrease compared with…
social security net
China’s pace of opening is not slackening, which can help resist protectionist pressures in its trading partners.
向世界传递的重要信息Message send/convey to the world //李克强总理在达沃斯的讲话也用过message
The disparity between rich and poor has grown in recent years.
US Secretary of State, John Kerry: “This is about keeping weapons out of the hands of terrorists and rogue actors. This is about reducing the risk of international transfers of conventional arms that will be used to carry out the world’s worst crimes.”
// international transfers of conventional arms 这里用的是transfer
Terror attacks from Boston to Nairobi shocked and saddened the world. Fear of terror led to distrust and provided an excuse for widespread internet and cell phone surveillance programs which affected ordinary citizens and world leaders alike.
Brazil called on the UN to play a leading role in protecting privacy in cyber space. President Dilma Rousseff :“Tampering in such a manner in the affairs of other countries is a breach of international law and is an affront to the principles that must guide the relations among them, especially among friendly nations.”
// Tampering 篡改,秘密干预
Middle East Peace Talks – Secretary General Ban Ki-moon returned from the region encouraged by the seriousness of Israelis and Palestinians to resume direct negotiations. Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas called on the UN to stop Israeli settlement building on Palestinian soil: “Time is running out. The window of peace is narrowing. Opportunities are diminishing. The current round of negotiations is to be a last chance to realize a just peace.”
// encouraged by the seriousness of这个用法很好
Progress in the Democratic Republic of the Congo: New fighting displaced 100,000 people in the Kivu province, the ongoing crisis left 6 million people in need of food and assistance.
The Security Council approved the creation of the first ever robust intervention brigade to neutralize the notorious M23 movement and allow UN peacekeepers to concentrate on protecting civilians. After the defeat of the M23 rebels, the Congolese army regained control over the area. Council members travelled to Goma to show their support for a UN brokered peace accord for the region.
// brigade 旅
peace accord和平约定
为应对臭名昭著的M23运动,安理会批准设立了首支强势干预部队,协助联合国维和人员全力保护平民。M23 反叛武装被击败后,该地区的掌控权重新交回了政府军手中。该地区在联合国的帮助下达成了和平协定。安理会成员代表团随后前往戈马进行访问。
Political progress in SOMALIA – after 20 years of anarchy. Two years after the Islamic militants of Al-Shabaab were forced out of Mogadishu, increased security and a democratically elected president have brought more stability to a formerly failed state.
// militants 激进份子
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