作者是现任美国国防部长Chuck Hagel,曾任内布拉斯加州的共和党参议员。
Senator Says America Must Deal with Reality of a Rising China
Op-ed column by Senator Chuck Hagel in August 10 Financial Times
10 August 2005
(This column by Senator Chuck Hagel, Republican of Nebraska, the number two Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee and chairman of the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China, was first published August 10 in the Financial Times. The column is in the public domain. No republication restrictions.)
America Must Show Wisdom in Relations with China
By Chuck Hagel
China is a hot topic in Washington. Its currency, exports to the U.S., oil interests and military capabilities have all been significant issues in Congress. While these concerns are important and real, none should stand alone. Each is part of a larger and more complex U.S.-China -relationship. In that light, today’s overheated U.S. rhetoric over China needs to be tempered with sound judgment and wise long-term considerations.
// oil interests石油利益。 看一个例句,Particularly contested is China’s involvement in Sudan, where China’s oil interests are blamed for stymieing international efforts to end ethnic clashes. 中国在苏丹的行为更是倍受争议,批评人士指责中国在该国的石油利益阻碍了结束种族冲突的国际努力。
rhetoric 修辞,虚化词藻,这个和前面的real其实是可以呼应上的。例句,The change is largely cosmetic, a matter of acceptable political rhetoric rather than social reality. 这一变化主要是表面文章,不过是受欢迎的政治性虚华词藻而非社会现实。
temper 有调和、调理之意。make more temperate, acceptable, or suitable by adding something else; moderate 例如,she tempered her criticism
Both competition and co-operation will feature in U.S.-China bilateral ties in the 21st century. That does not mean relations are destined to be hostile although they could be if mishandled. The U.S. has an opportunity to shape a co-operative relationship that would allow us to influence China’s overall strategic choices. It would be a colossal mistake if misguided assumptions, rhetoric and actions led to a dangerous and conflicted relationship. This is not a time to let paranoia chart the course for U.S. policy toward China.
// chart the course,plan in detail
The rise of China is a reality. No amount of Congressional legislation or U.S.bludgeoning will change that. This is a country with a permanent seat on the United Nations Security Council, the world’s largest population and, by some measures, the world’s second largest economy. At the same time, the majority of China’s 1.3bn people are very poor and many problems put limits on its future.
// bludgeoning用棍棒打;猛烈攻击
put limits on
A U.S.-China partnership based on mutual self-interest is important to both countries. Each has a clear stake in the other’s success. China has become America’s third largest trading partner. The U.S. and China have worked together to strengthen regional security, fight terrorism and international crime, help stabilize Afghanistan and address the North Korean nuclear problem.
There are also difficulties in this relationship and economic friction is a focal point. The withdrawal of CNOOC’s bid for Unocal removes what was becoming a source of serious bilateral tension. But the rancor of the debate fuels an unproductive atmosphere and hinders efforts to address some more fundamental concerns.
// CNOOC中国海洋石油总公司(China National Offshore Oil Corporation)
In 2004, China’s exports to the U.S. were nearly six times its imports of U.S. goods and services. Trying to close that gap through artificial tariffs that violate World Trade Organization rules and public threats will not resolve the differences. Most likely, such actions would further divide us, complicating the issues we should be working on and magnifying Chinese recalcitrance.
// recalcitrance反抗,抵抗
artificial tariffs
The artificial restraint on the free exchange of goods and services between countries or areas, usually in the form of tariffs, subsidies, quotas or exchange controls. 指为了妨碍商品和服务在国家或地区之间自由交换的而人为设立的某些限制,常见的形式包括如进口关税税率、贸易补贴、进口配额及外汇管制等。
China has enacted some basic economic reforms in recent years, in large measure to comply with WTO standards. But China has many more reforms to make not least, opening its markets to U.S. companies. This will require continued economic reform, a more transparent and consistent regulatory and licensing system, enforcement of distribution rights for foreign companies and strong enforcement of intellectual property laws.
// enacted这词知道,但是听的时候反应不过来,就是缺练的表现。
While China’s recent decision to abandon a fixed exchange rate to the dollar is an important step forward, the country needs eventually to achieve full convertibility of the renminbi. The U.S. and international community must help ensure that the Chinese financial system can absorb a transition to market-based exchange rates.
absorb a transition,承受、吸收这种转变
Beyond economic policy, the U.S. must keep working with the Chinese on other key issues such as rule of law, human rights and religious freedoms. China’s aggressive global diplomatic and economic strategy and its military build-up also bear close scrutiny. The U.S. and its allies must encourage responsible Chinese actions, appropriate for a rising global power. This means, for example, not allowing a dangerous, historical Sino-Japanese confrontation to re-emerge.
An important U.S. response to the rise of China is to strengthen alliances and friendships in the region, especially with the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, and to work with its partners to sustain America’s stabilizing role in Asia and the Pacific.
The U.S. must also take positive steps to maintain its competitive position in the world. It also must get its own house in order. Raising trade barriers or compromising its core, free trade values will undermine America’s overall long-term interests. We must rein in U.S. deficit spending, promote greater domestic savings, address the growing entitlement challenge, rehabilitate infrastructure, invest in education and establish immigration reform. That is how America can maintain pre-eminence in the 21st century, regardless of the rise of China or any other nation.
// rein in制止
domestic savings 国内储蓄
(The writer, the number two Republican on the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, chairs the U.S. Congressional-Executive Commission on China.)
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