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The Story of the House Builder(Liu Zongyuan)
Pei Fengshu’s house is in Guangdeli. One day, a house builder came to knock at the door. He offered his labor in exchange for an empty room to live in. He brought with him tools of measurement, such as a measuring rule, a compass, a carpenter’s square, or a carpenter’s ink maker, but did not bring things like a whetstone, a saw, or a hatchet into the house. Asked what skill he had, he replied, “I am good at measuring timber. According to the planned dimensions of a house, I will plot out its exact height, depth, circumference, square, shortness and length. Then I will instruct the workers to do the practical work. Without me, they cannot build a house. I therefore earn three times as much as a common worker does when I am working under a government contract, and earn more than half of the total wages of all the workers when working for an individual.” One day, I entered his room and saw a bed lacking one foot, a thing that he himself could not repair. He said, “I will have it repaired by some carpenter.” I found him ridiculous and thought that he had no skill at all and was nothing but an avaricious man.
Soon thereafter, I visited the official in charge of the administrative work of the capital. He was renovating the government office. There were piles of timber of varied quality and all the workers were standing in a circle. Some with axes in their hands, some with knives and saws. In the center was the house builder, with a measuring rule in his left hand and a staff in his right hand. He was considering the dimensions of the house and making a decision regarding what kind of timber could bear the weight. He waved the staff and said, “Axes!” Those with axes hurried to the right side. Then he turned round, pointing his finger at another stack of timber, and said “Saws!” Those with saws hurried to the left side. All at once those with axes began to chop, and those with knives began to pare. Everyone had to look at the house builder’s face, waiting for his orders. Not a man dared work according to his own desires, for the house builder angrily fired anyone who did not do the work according to his specifications. And no one dared to complain. He drew a design on the wall. Though it was no bigger than one square foot, it gave a detailed description of the whole structure of the house. There was not the slightest discrepancy in measurement when the design was put into construction. After the house was completed, he wrote on the beam : “ The house was built by so and so on a certain day, in a certain month, in a certain year.” The name was actually that of the house builder, whereas the names of those who did the actual work were not mentioned. I looked at these words with wide-open eyes and came to know how skillful the house builder was.
三口结束,分享下题型吧。实务对话是中国领导人采访,英译汉是中美人文交流,汉译英是西藏发展论坛的讲话。总体感觉今年中国特色很浓,看来China Daily不能放。还是有差距,加油。
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