[146]柳宗元:梓人传(2) — ScalersTalk成长会 – 持续行动,刻意学习 – ScalersTalk Wonderland


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Then I exclaimed and said, “Can it be that he is a man who willingly gives up his craftsmanship and concentrates on brain work and therefore has mastered the essentials of house building? I hear that those who work with their minds govern while those who work with their hands are governed. Can it be that he is the one who works with his mind? Those who have skills do the practical work, whereas those who have wisdom make plans. The house builder might be a man of wisdom and might serve as an example for those who are helping the Emperor in the governing of the country. Of all trades in the world, none can be more illustrative than that of a house builder.”



Those who govern have to take governing the people as their cardinal work. At the lowest rung of the ladder are the convicts, petty officials in villages and neighborhoods who do practical work. Above them are officials of the lower, middle, and upper ranks. Futher above them are senior officials, ministers, and princes. Speaking roughly, there are six kinds of officials, and speaking in detail, there are a hundred professions. On the border areas there are Fangbo and Lianshuai. In every prefecture there is a prefect and in every county there is a magistrate, and they both have deputies to assist them in their administrative work. Below them are petty officials, who are scribes and further below them are tax collectors and house-hold registrars. Like workers, they all have a particular skill and earn their living by labor.



The Prime Minister, who assists the emperor in governing the people, selects officials of all ranks, assigns them different works, has them at his command and utilizes their abilities. He lays down rules and regulations and revised them from time to time. He also unifies the legal system and strengthens it when necessary. He is like the house builder who makes designs for houses with a compass, a carpenter’s square, and a carpenter’s ink marker. He selects talented persons and assigns them work which they are competent to do. He makes arrangements for the people and they are contented with their jobs. When he inspects a city, he knows the situation of the surrounding countryside. When he inspects a village, he knows the situation in the fiefs. When he inspects a fief, he knows the situation in the country. By pointing his finger at the map, he knows thoroughly the situation of every place in the country, no matter whether it is far or near, big or small, just like the house builder who draws a design on the wall and carries the project into execution. He selects gifted people, recommends them, lets them give full play to their talents, without feeling that they are indebted to anyone. He dismisses from their posts those who have no talent and none dares to complain. He does not show off his capacity, nor flaunt his reputation, nor engross himself in trivial matters, nor encroach upon the rights of other officials. He daily discusses the way of governing the country with persons of outstanding ability just like the house builder who is skilled in giving orders to the workers while he himself does not brag of his dexterity. In this way the mission of the Prime Minister is fulfilled and the country is well administered.




@Sophie Song




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