Since the way to be a Prime Minister is well handled and the country is enjoying peace, the people will raise their heads towards the capital and say with admiration, “Credit should be given to the Prime Minister!” The future generations will follow their forefathers and say respectfully, “This is due to the ability of the Prime Minister!” When scholars talk about peace and order in the country during the times of Yin and Zhou, they would invariably give credit to Yi Yin, Fu Yue, Duke of Zhou, and Duke of Zhao. Nevertheless, those who worked hard and did the practical work did not have their names recorded in history. This is just like what the house builder does. He only mentions his own meritorious deeds and leaves those who did the practical work unknown. Ah! How great the Prime Minister is! The one who is well versed in this way of behaving is in fact the Prime Minister!
Those who do not know the essentials of things are contrary to the Prime Minister mentioned above. They work painstakingly and think that they are serving the public heart and soul. They think that to be engrossed in detailed work is important. They take pride in their ability and boast about their reputation. They do trivial things, encroach on the rights of other officials, put everything under their charge, argue noisily in the government offices and at court, thus neglecting matters of vital importance. They do not know the way of governing. They are like a house builder who does not know how to use a carpenter’s ink marker to make a distinction between a crooked line and a straight line, to use a compass and a carpenter’s square to draw a square and a circle, and to use a measuring rule to measure the length. He takes over the axes, knives, and saws from other workers and helps them do the work, but fails to get the work accomplished. He exerts all his efforts in vain. Isn’t it absurd?
Someone might say, “A man who wants to have a house built might have his own design, which is unlike that of the house builder. He disregards the rich experiences of the house builder and listens to the ideas of any passerby. Therefore, no house is built in the end. Is the house builder to blame ? The crucial point is whether the man who wants to have a house built trusts the house builder.”
I am of a different opinion. If the design has been completed and the measurements have been done, then the tallness cannot be shortened, the narrowness cannot be widened. If the house is to be constructed according to this design of mine, it is bound to be firm. Otherwise it will collapse. If the man who wants to have a house built is willing to see the house fall down as a result of persisting in his own design, then I will keep back my skill, hoard up my wisdom, and go far away from him. I will not give up my principle. This is what a real house builder is like! If a house builder is covetous of the money of the man who wants to have a house built and succumbs to the latter’s wrong design instead of quitting the job. He yields to the pressure at the sacrifice of his own idea. When the beam breaks and the house collapses, he cries, “It’s not my fault. I am not to blame.” How can he say that? How can he say that?
I think the way the Prime Minister governs the country is similar to the way the house builder builds the house. So I write it down. In old times the house builder was a carpenter who investigated the crookedness and straightness of all kinds of timber. Now this kind of carpenter is called “Duliaojiang”. The surname of the house builder I met is Yang and his given name is Qian.
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