Lasker~DeBakey ClinicalMedical Research Award
Acceptance remarks by TuYouyou
Tu Youyou Dear respectedChairman, President and Jury Members of the Albert and Mary Lasker Foundation,Dear respected Nobel Laureates and my fellow Lasker Laureates, Dear respectedPresident of the China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, Ladies andGentlemen,
I am extremely honored to beselected as a winner of this year’s Lasker~DeBakery Clinical Medical ResearchAward — one of the most esteemed awards in the biomedical sciences. I expressmy wholehearted thanks to the jury members for the recognition of mycontributions to the discovery of Qinghaosu (artemisinin) for malariatreatment.
In my childhood, I witnessedoccasions when patients were rescued by folk Chinese medicine recipes. However,neither did I dream then of such a close linkage of my whole life toresearching those miraculous herbs nor could I imagine then that today I wouldexperience such an overwhelming moment when my research has been highly praisedby the international scientific community. I started research on herbalmedicines in 1955. My curiosity about herbs turned into a strong motivationafter college training, and more importantly through years of invaluableexperience in the Institute of Materia Medica, in particular during two andhalf years full time training on traditional Chinese medicine arranged by theinstitute. Equipped with a sound knowledge in both traditional Chinese medicineand modern pharmaceutical sciences, my team inherited and developed the essenceof traditional Chinese medicine using modern science and technology andeventually, we successfully accomplished the discovery and development ofQinghaosu from Qinghao (Artemisia annua L).
Whereas the finding ofquinine was largely attributed to the historical use of Cinchona Ledgeriana inPeru, the discovery of Qinghaosu is a gift to mankind from traditional Chinesemedicine. From the traditional Chinese medicinal literature I was inspired withnew ideas at the most challenging moment during the research process.Traditional Chinese medicine has served people in China and other Asiancountries for many centuries. Continuous exploration and development oftraditional medicine will, without doubt, bring more medicines to the world. Iadvocate a global collaboration in the research of Chinese and othertraditional medicines in order to maximize their benefits to the healthcare ofthe human beings.
The discovery of Qinghaosuis a small step in the human endeavor towards conquering diseases. I feel greatly encouraged and rewarded by WHO’s recommendation on the use of Qinghaosubased Artemisinin Combination Therapy (ACT) as the frontline remedy againstmalaria. For this, I would also like to express my great appreciation andthanks to my Chinese colleagues who made significant contributions to thediscovery and clinical application of Qinghaosu.
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