[473]ScalersTalk成长会交传小组第2周训练日志 — ScalersTalk成长会 – 持续行动,刻意学习 – ScalersTalk Wonderland


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Week 2





Day 8 联合会致词 【致辞开场】




On the occasion of this Chinese New Year’s Eve of national celebration, and on behalf of all my colleagues of the company, I wish to thank all the guests here for their gracious presence at this Spring Festival gathering. You know, the Chinese Spring Festival is a very wonderful and joyous occasion in our tradition, and I wish all my Chinese and foreign colleagues a most relaxing and delightful evening.

Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle. This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to the world market and a decade of your dedication without your complaint. We have prepared a humble dinner to celebrate our friendly cooperation. I would also like to take this opportunity to express my sincere thanks to all my colleagues at the venture.

Meanwhile, I hope this party will give us an excellent opportunity to get to know each other and increase our friendship. In closing, I’d like to thank you again for your kind presence and wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck in the new year.

 在……时候 on the occasion of
 举国同庆的 ……of national celebration
 代表 on behalf of
 光临 gracious/kind presence
 春节联欢晚会 Spring Festival gathering/gala
 良辰佳时 a very wonderful and joyous occasion
 欢快 delightful
 略备薄酒 prepared a humble dinner
 彼此沟通 get to know each other
 最后 In closing
 感谢的灵活处理:第一个用thank后面用第三人称,第二个express thanks,第三个thank 直接接第二人称表示诚挚的谢意 express my sincere thanks

 我们这家合资企业走过了10年的奋斗历程,这是辉煌的10年,富有成果的10年。
Our joint venture has experienced a decade of hard struggle. This is a brilliant decade, a fruitful decade, a decade which has seen our company advance to the world market and a decade of your dedication without your complaint.
个人version:While going through and a decade of endeavor, our joint venture has reaped brilliant achievements and fruitful results.)
 祝各位新年身体健康、事业有成、吉祥如意。 Wish everyone good health, a successful career and the very best of luck. (典型祝福语翻译)


Day 9 尊重人权 【外交】



The Chinese nation has always respected human dignity and value. Even in the ancient days, our ancestors came up with the idea of “people being the most important”, believe that “man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters.” The progress and development of a society hinge on human progress and development and depend on how well dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized. The immense vitality displayed by China today is a vivid reflection of the broad freedoms and democratic rights enjoyed by the Chinese people.

China has a population of over 1.3 billion, and to ensure our people the rights to subsistence and development is in itself a major contribution to the progress of the world human rights cause. Collective and individual human rights should be considered together and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and political rights on the other. This is dictated by China’s specific national conditions and therefore, is the only way to progress in human rights cause in China.

 历来(尊重)have done (respected) (完成时态)
 提出 come up with the idea
 天生万物,唯人为贵 man is the most valuable among all the things that heaven fosters
 取决于 hinge on/depend on/rely on
 维护尊严 maintain dignity
 发挥价值 realize value
 焕发 display
 巨大活力 immense vitality
 生动写照 a vivid reflection
 广泛自由、民主 the broad freedoms and democratic rights
 拥有 enjoy
 生存权 rights to subsistence
 世界人权事业 the world human rights cause
 紧密结合 be considered together
 协调发展 coordinated development
 集体人权与个人人权 collective and individual human rights
 公民政治权利 civil and political rights
 适合 be dictated by

 中华民族历来尊重… China has always respected…
 民为贵:people being the most important (用分词being表状态,而非一个从句)
 人的尊严的维护和价值的发挥 …how well dignity is maintained and how much human value is realized (中文偏正结构转换为长句,用动词的被动形式,并且加了well 和much)
 中国确保13多亿人的生存权和发展权,是对世界人权事业的巨大贡献。

 集体人权与个人人权、经济文化权利与公民政治权利紧密结合和协调发展。
Collective and individual human rights should be considered together and their coordinated development should be pursued, and the same considerations should be given to the development of economic and cultural rights on the one hand and of civil and political rights on the other.
(这句话对口译员在遇到意外时,如何灵活处理句子很有启发。如果前面说完了“集体人权与个人人权”,但是没有想到第二条“经济文化和政治权利”,也不能为了想第二条而停下来。先翻译“紧密结合”和“协调发展”,,以便给自己思考空间,再回过头来加第二条“the same considerations should be given to…”。至于”on the one hand…on the other”也是可以用于缓冲的实用“砖块”。)

Day 10 改革开放30年 【外交】



Time flies and 30 years have passed before one realizes it. Over the past 30 years, the Chinese people, acting in a pioneering spirit and making bold innovations, have unswerving carried out reform and opening-up and pursued socialist modernization, and China has made great progress in terms of growing in its economy, enhancing its overall national strength and improving the living standards of its people. Historical changes have taken place in China.

China has successfully made the historic transition from a highly centralized planned economy to a robust socialist market economy and from a closed and semi-closed country to a country that is wide open to the outside world. China’s economy has grown rapidly. The Chinese people, once lacking basic living necessities, are now enjoying initial prosperity. The poor rural population has dropped from over 250 million to about 10 million. Remarkable achievements have been made in our endeavor to improve the political system and promote cultural development and social programs.

 高度集中的计划经济体制 a highly centralized planned economy
 充满活力的社会主义市场经济体制 robust socialist market economy
 从封闭半封闭 closed and semi-closed country
 全方位开放 wide open(小词 wide)
 增强综合国力 enhancing its overall national strength
 总体小康 initial prosperity

 斗转星移,春来秋去,转眼间30年过去了。 Time flies and 30 years have passed before one realizes it.(意译)
 人民生活从温饱不足发展到总体小康 The Chinese people, once lacking basic living necessities, are now enjoying initial prosperity.(“人民”生活不能真的把“生活”做主语,主语应当是“人民”)

 翻译中要有对中文“啰嗦”话语的警觉,在英译中剔除。如“一往直前的进取精神和波澜壮阔的创新实践”中,“一往直前”和“进取”含义相似,“创新”本身就是一种“实践”,只需译一次。因此,英译结果为“acting in a pioneering spirit and making bold innovations”。
 总体小康、改革开放、社会主义现代化建设(socialist modernization drive) 等基本外交词汇注意积累,多看报告。
 最后一句“…取得了举世瞩目的发展成就” 译为 “Remarkable achievements have been made in our endeavor to…” in our endeavor 对应中文中在原文中没有出现。个人观点为,在口译中偶尔加这样的“小砖块”是非常有用的,可以缓冲下自己的思路,更好译出下文。当然,我不是在鼓励随心所欲加内容,别发挥。

Day 11 黄山之峰 【景点介绍】




Huangshan, a well-known tourist mountain resort, occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province. Boasting 72 peaks, the best known ones include Lianhua, Tiandu,Shixin and Qingluan Peaks.

Huangshan blends the grandeur of Mount Tai, the awe of Huashan Mountain and the elegance of Mount Emei. Huangshan is most noted for its four attractions unparalleled elsewhere, namely, extraordinary pines growing out of rock crevices, grotesque rocks, seas of clouds swirling around the peaks, and hot springs. The world-famous Vistor-Greating Pine has long been known for its singular build.

Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people, hiding Huangshan in mystery. For example, the tale about the origin of the name of the Qingluan Peak is one of poetic and legendary flavor. Rising 1780 meters above sea level, the Peak bears a strong resemblance to a fabulous perching bird, as if looking fixedly at the Tiandu Peak in the distance, with its head raised slightly up, its tail drooping down and the two wings clinging to its body grown all over with trees. Hence the name Qingluan Peak, which literally means the Green Bird Peak.

 著名的旅游胜地 well-known tourist (mountain) resort
 占地面积为… sth occupies an area of …
 泰山之雄伟 the grandeur of Mount Tai
 华山之险峻 the awe of Huashan Mountain (in awe敬畏地)
 峨眉山之清秀 elegance of Mount Emei
 黄山四绝 four attractions unparalleled elsewhere
 奇松 extraordinary pines growing out of rock crevices(裂缝)
 怪石 grotesque rocks
 云海seas of clouds swirling around the peaks
 温泉 hot springs
 迎客松Vistor-Greating Pine
 特殊的造型 singular build (不是bizarre posture)
 流传 spread among the local people
 为…披上了神秘的外衣 hide … in mystery
 富有诗意和传奇色彩 be of poetic and legendary flavor
 海拔…米 rising … meters above sea level
 很像 bears a strong resemblance to
 一只蹲伏的大鸟 a fabulous perching bird (perch 停留,栖息)
 凝视 look fixedly at
 远处的 in the distance
 鸟头微抬 head raised slightly up
 尾巴下垂 tail drooping down
 两翼紧贴鸟身 two wings clinging to its body
 绿树覆盖全身 grown all over trees/ covered with trees

 著名的旅游胜地黄山座落在安徽省的南部,面积约1200平方公里。
Huangshan, a well-known tourist mountain resort, occupies an area of 1200 square kilometers in South Anhui Province.
 黄山有72座名峰,其中最出名的有…
Boasting 72 peaks, the best known ones include the.
(原译文为Boasting 72 peaks, including the best known…无主语,属于译误。因此改为以上版本。)
 黄山景色兼有…(特征)
Huangshan blends the grandeur of….
 当地流传着不少优美的神话故事,为黄山披上了神秘的外衣。
Many fairy tales about this mountain spread among the local people, hiding Huangshan in mystery.
(本段主题是神话故事,用fairy tales 做主语,“为黄山…”做分词结构放在最后)
 海拔1780米的青鸾峰形状很像一只蹲伏的大鸟,鸟头微抬,仿佛凝视远处的天都峰;尾巴下垂,两翼紧贴鸟身,绿树覆盖全身。
Rising … , the Peak bears a strong resemblance to a fabulous perching bird, as if looking … , with its head raised … , its tail … and the two wings clinging to its body / (which is)grown all over with trees.
 因此得名青鸾峰。
Hence the name Qingluan Peak, which literally means the Green Bird Peak.
(还是要解释下“Qingluan” 及其 literary meaning)

 本文为景点介绍的一篇笔译。积累常用相关词汇:be noted/known for, boasts, boasting,attractions (unperelled elsewhere), best known for 等等。有时候文章中不会出现明显的提示词,但在翻译时要学会运用这些词汇表达意思。

Day 12 旅游解说词 【旅游】


(China International Travel Service is offering you an interesting tour program that is characteristic of Chinese national culture.) You will visit world-famous scenic spots, historical sites and magnificent ancient architectural complexes and appreciate precious cultural relics. You will also have opportunities to enjoy Chinese operas and acrobatic shows, and taste authentic Chinese food and local delicacies. The traditional warmth and hospitality with which the Chinese people entertain their guests will make your visit a pleasant and memorable experience.


Before you make a decision on our tour, I’d like to make some remarks about the quotation policies regarding the group tours with this travel agency. First, an individual’s quotation for each group tour includes the cost of transportation, accommodation, meals, sightseeing, tour-guide service and round-trip international airplane tickets.


Next, each adult can take a child under the age of twelve, whose quotation is calculated on a half-price basis. And finally, we reserve the right to make changes to the set itinerary, should we encounter any unforeseeable circumstances which would prevent us from otherwise normal operations, including a full refund.

 景点 scenic spots
 名胜 historical sites
 古建筑群 ancient architectural complexes
 文物 cultural relics
 中国戏剧Chinese operas
 杂技表演acrobatic shows
 中国烹调和地方风味小吃 authentic Chinese food and local delicacies
 待客 entertain their guests
 愉快而又难忘 pleasant and memorable
 旅游报价(条款)quotation (policies)
 团体旅游group tour
 导游服务费 tour-guide service
 双程国际机票 round-trip international airplane tickets
 以半价收费 the quotation is calculated on a half-price basis
 全额退费 full refund

 如果发生某些不可预见的、使旅游无法正常进行的情况,本旅行社则保留修改原定计划的权利。
We reserve the right to make changes to the set itinerary, should we encounter any unforeseeable circumstances which would prevent us from otherwise normal operations.
(虚拟语气should we…)

 旅游及文化词汇注意进行积累。

Day 13 中外合资 【经贸】


In accordance with the requirement for establishing a socialist market economy, we will continue to open to the outside world in all directions. We should correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability and cultivate a unified and open market system with orderly competition.

We should formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment. We will increase our effort in introducing foreign investment and in particular, encourage foreign investment in China’s infrastructure, basic industries and industries of high and new technology.


As the environment of investment continues to improve, we should follow the principle of selecting only the best of the competing offers for foreign business investment. We should adopt a practice which is compatible with international convention and treat foreign-founded enterprises the same way as their Chinese counterparts. Meanwhile, we will protect according to the law the legitimate rights and interests of both Chinese and foreign investors and business employees.


It must be pointed out that a Sino-foreign joint business is one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership. Business partners in a joint venture can maximize their strengths. This type of investment, so to speak, will certainly yield fat economic returns for both parties in the partnership.

 根据…要求 in accordance with the requirement for
 社会主义市场经济体制 socialist market economy
 全方位地对外开放 open to the outside world in all directions
 理顺改革、发展和稳定三者之间的关系 correctly handle the relations between and among reform, development and stability
 培育统一开放、竞争有序的市场体系 cultivate a unified and open market system with orderly competition
 制定明确的产业政策以引导投资投向 formulate well-defined industrial policies to guide our orientation in foreign investment
 加大引进外资的力度 increase our effort in introducing foreign investment
 基础设施、基础工业和的投资 infrastructure, basic industries
 高新技术产业 industries of high and new technology
 坚持…原则 follow the principle of
 “竞争择优”原则 select only the best of the competing offers for foreign business investment
 按照国际惯例 adopt a practice which is compatible with international convention
 对外资企业实行国民待遇 treat foreign-founded enterprises the same way as their Chinese counterparts
 依法保护 protect according to the law
 正当权益 the legitimate rights and interests
 一种互补互惠的合作关系 one of complementary and mutually beneficial partnership
 最大限度地发挥优势 maximize one’s strengths
 应该说/也就是说 so to speak
 都有丰厚的经济回报 yield fat economic returns for sb.
 (合作)双方 partners / both parties in the partnership

 本篇句式不难,经贸方面的专业搭配要多积累。

Day 14 外交基石 【外交】


China will unswervingly carry out its independent foreign policy of peace in a comprehensive manner. China’s foreign policy serves to gain a long-term, sound international environment. Particularly, the policy aims to achieve an environment conducive to China’s socialist modernization drive, the maintenance of world peace and promotion of joint development.


China will continue to foster positive relationships with the developing countries and especially surrounding countries, persisting in a good-neighborly and friendly policy. We will implement the outcome of the China-ASEAN informal summit and intensify the China-ASEAN partnership of mutual trust oriented toward the 21st century. We will further develop extensive cooperation and exchange with the developed countries of the west in a wide range of areas. We will also strengthen unity and cooperation with countries in Africa, Latin America, South Asia and Central and Eastern Europe, striving to establish a just and rational international political and economic order.


China will continue to take part in multilateral diplomatic activities of a global, intercontinental and regional nature, and play a constructive role in the affairs of UN reform, the settlement of regional conflicts, peace-keeping, disarmament, arms control and environmental protection.

 综合 in a comprehensive manner/ integrated/comprehensively
 奉行和平独立的外交政策 carry out its independent foreign policy of peace
 为了 serves to
 长期健康的国际环境 a long-term, sound international environment
 有利于 conducive to
 中国社会主义现代化建设 China’s socialist modernization drive
 有利于维护世界和平 the maintenance of world peace
 促进共同发展 promotion of joint development gain achieve
 加强同…积极关系 foster positive relationships with
 周边国家 surrounding countries
 坚持睦邻友好的政策 persist in a good-neighborly and friendly policy
 贯彻…成果 implement the outcome of
 中国-东盟非正式首脑会议 the China-ASEAN informal summit
 intensify partnership of mutual trust
 面向21世纪 oriented toward the 21st century
 在广泛领域里进行合作与交流 develop extensive cooperation exchange in a wide range of areas
 加强同…的合作 strengthen unity and cooperation
 努力建立 strive to establish
 公正与合理just and rational
 多边外交活动 multilateral diplomatic activities
 全球性、洲际性和地区性 of a global, intercontinental and regional nature
 发挥建设性的作用 play a constructive role
 在…事务中 in the affairs of
 地区冲突 the settlement of regional conflicts
 裁军 disarmament
 军备控制 arms control

 句式不难,词汇为外交类,依然是,多学习,多记忆。
 本篇主要练习在口译中的并列结构。










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