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车载资讯的娱乐终端car infotainment systems,infotainment=information + entertainment. 还有一个词叫telematics。就是指应用无线通信技术的车载电脑系统。随着电脑和网络技术应用到汽车上,正在形成称之为Telematics的新的电脑市场。Telematics是无线通信技术、卫星导航系统、网络通信技术和车载电脑的综合产物,被认为是未来的汽车技术之星。
The second thing I want to talk about is the platform, which should be universal, standardized and open to all. An advantage of cloud computing is the consistent experience it offers users on all terminals and systems. Currently, the scope of “personal computer” has expanded from traditional PC and Mac computers to smart terminals like cell phones, flat-panel computers, Internet TV and car infotainment systems. And computer operating systems have seen a rigorous development, with Android, iOS, Meego and other new systems emerging in addition to Windows. To support all these terminals and systems, cloud computing must be standardized and universal.
//通用标准unified standards
产业上下游industry upstream and downstream,嫌麻烦就处理成whole industry
Now, the government is working with Internet enterprises, including Tencent, to set up unified standards. An objective of cloud computing is to make computing resources accessible to the whole society in the most economical way. Given the large scale of the work, it’s impossible and unnecessary for every enterprise and institution to develop its own cloud computing platform. This work can be done by major Internet companies. To achieve the objective, Tencent insists that the cloud computing platform be universal, standardized and open to all. The openness and cooperativeness of the platform is key to its popularity and its influence on IT Industry and national economy.
//将它作为垄断资源take cloud computing as a monopolized resource,或者monopolize the resource
Platform suppliers should ensure their computing abilities, mass data storage and bandwidths can be as available as water and electricity for small- and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions. If suppliers take cloud computing as a monopolized resource, use it to control enterprises in the midstream and downstream industry and make special rules to force the enterprises to use these services, the entire IT industry will be ruined in the long run. In the principle of openness, cooperation and mutual benefit, Tencent hopes to work with other Internet companies to promote technological development and industry development based on cloud computing. We hope to help Internet users share information and services on cloud platform, help small- and medium-sized enterprises and research institutions share cloud computing results and make our contributions to the development of value-added, cloud-based products and services.
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