[204]十万字视译训练材料点评解析:IMF总裁拉加德在中国发展高层论坛上的讲话(3) — ScalersTalk成长会 – 持续行动,刻意学习 – ScalersTalk Wonderland


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3.  China’s Global Leadership in the 21st Century

This brings me to my third and final topic—China’s global leadership in the 21st century.

所以我下面就来谈谈第三点,也是最后一点——中国在21 世纪中的全球领导作用。

I have just discussed China’s economic leadership at the global level. China has also affirmed its global leadership in many other areas.


In technology, for example: China is now home to the world’s largest network of high-speed railways. In just six short years, China has gone from importing this technology to exporting it.


China is a leader in science—from sea to sky. China’s manned ocean research vehicle boasts the greatest depth range of any in the world. China’s lunar lander has already docked on the moon, and the Shenzhou-10 spacecraft is now in orbit.


lunar lander登月飞行器

manned ocean research vehicle载人潜水器

China is also a leading partner for development in many low-income countries, including in Africa.


In addition, China is playing an increasing role in major international fora—the G20, APEC—and in strategic dialogue at the highest levels.


international fora国际论坛

As China moves forward, there is potential for an even greater global role. I mentioned earlier, for example, that with appropriate financial reforms, the renminbi could over time achieve the status of an international reserve currency—and occupy a position on a par with China’s economic size.


China can also play an even greater role in international institutions. At the IMF, China will become our third largest member once the 2010 governance reforms become effective—an objective on which we continue to push hard. China is already an important contributor to the IMF’s financial resources and operations.


In addition, China is providing leadership at all levels of the IMF. I am extremely grateful to Min Zhu for bringing his wisdom and experience to our Management team, and to the young Chinese economists we recruit every year—in 2013 alone, Chinese nationals accounted for a third of our new intake of talent.


Through the IMF, China can play a leading role in international cooperation—the “new multilateralism”—which I believe is crucial to the success of every nation in the 21st century.



Let me conclude.

By taking the steps to achieve its next transformation, China will not only help itself, it will also help the world. Indeed, China’s success is critical to the success of the global economy.


The steps to be taken are clear. China has risen to the challenge before. I am confident that it will do so again.


rise to迎接

As Lao Tzu wisely said: “Do the difficult things while they are easy and do the great things while they are small. A journey of a thousand miles must begin with a single step.”


Thank you. Xièxiè, 谢谢.





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