[108]外交部长看周边外交关系:100小时口译训练日志0x0C — ScalersTalk成长会 – 持续行动,刻意学习 – ScalersTalk Wonderland


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[新加坡联合早报] 王部长您好,我们都知道,中国的周边形势非常受到关注。有人认为,中国的周边问题很多,还有人认为近来中国在处理与周边邻国争议问题上越来越强硬。请问您怎么看待这样的观点?谢谢。

//受到关注closely watched




neighborhood周边地区,周边国家neighboring countries,周边外交neighborhood diplomacy

睦邻友好政策pursue policy of friendly neighborhood


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What is your response to these views?

Lianhe Zaobao of Singapore: The situation in China’s neighborhood is closely watched by many people. Some people see many problems. Some believe China is more assertive in handling its disputes with its neighboring countries? What is your response to these views?

[王毅] 你提了一个有点尖锐,但确实是大家关心的问题。我首先要告诉你的是,中国的周边形势总体是好的,也是稳定的。


关心。在开场的时候,感谢大家过去一年来对中国外交工作的关心和理解。Interest in

Wang Yi: This is a quite critical question but one that everyone is interested in. Let me first say that the general situation in China’s neighborhood is both positive and stable.



形成,提出,公布,发布unveil,这个词要学会啊童鞋们。同时还有put forward, propose

We unveiled a whole set of diplomatic guidelines to show we are more friendly and accommodative.这句我的理解,笔记在还原的时候,用了to show来作连接

互利双赢,在用动宾搭配时,宾语用deliver/achieve win-win results

充分fully, well

Last year, China held its first neighborhood diplomacy conference. We made clear that the neighborhood tops China’s diplomatic agenda. We unveiled a whole set of diplomatic guidelines to show we are more friendly and accommodative. And we have put forward a series of major cooperation proposals aimed at delivering win-win results. This fully shows that China attaches a great deal of importance to neighboring countries.


//打交道。Deal with比较容易想到,但是更贴切的是interact



践行practice the guideline

All alongGoing forward明显就是一个向未来的标记转换出来的结果



respond to their doubts

China has been interacting with its neighbors for thousands of years. And all along, we have valued harmonious relations and treated others with sincerity. When others respect us, we respect them even more. Going forward, we will more actively practice the guideline of “amity, sincerity, mutual benefit and inclusiveness”. We will help our neighboring countries and peoples benefit more from China’s reform and opening. We will help them better appreciate China’s commitment to peaceful development. We are willing to listen to voices from our neighboring countries and respond to their doubtsabout China’s neighborhood policy.


//领土和海洋权益的争议territorial and maritime disputes

历史事实historical fact。注意historichistorical区别

以小取闹unreasonable demands

不是我们的……是我们的that isn’t ours……that belongs to us.

equal-footed consultation,前面奥巴马也用到了footing

每一寸土地every inch of territory

As for China’s territorial and maritime disputes with some countries, China would like to carry out equal-footed consultation and negotiation and properly handle them by peaceful means on the basis of respecting historical facts and international law. There will not be any change to this position. We will never bully smaller countries, yet we will never accept unreasonable demands from smaller countries. On issues of territory and sovereignty, China’s position is firm and clear. We will not take anything that isn’t ours, but we will defend every inch of territory that belongs to us.


@ 鹏崽Kevin




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